Business and Management INK Has Moved!

After years at this URL, Business and Management INK has moved to a new home at the SAGE-sponsored community site Social Science Space. The new URL is All new posts will appear there, and all the existing posts which appear here also appear there. We will eventually close this URL after ensuring that existing … Continue reading Business and Management INK Has Moved!

Exploring the Crabs in the Barrel Syndrome in Organizations

[Editor's Note: We’re pleased to welcome author Carliss D. Miller of Sam Houston State University. Dr. Miller recently published an article in the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies entitled "Exploring the Crabs in the Barrel Syndrome in Organizations," which is currently free to read for a limited time. Below, Dr. Miller recounts the motivations and … Continue reading Exploring the Crabs in the Barrel Syndrome in Organizations

Journey Towards Greater Worker Ownership

[Editor's Note: We're delighted to welcome Simon Pek, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. In this post, he reflects on his recently published article: Drawing Out Democracy: The Role of Sortition in Preventing and Overcoming Organizational Degeneration in Worker-Owned Firms, in the Journal of Management Inquiry.] What motivated you to pursue this research? We are … Continue reading Journey Towards Greater Worker Ownership

You market what you speak/post!

In 2005, disappointed with Dell’s customer service, blogger Jarvis coined the term ‘Dell Hell’ in his blogs, which brought Dell national embarrassment.In 2012, McDonalds launched a campaign on twitter with hash tag #McDStories about the heritage of company’s food, which turned into a chaos when the hashtag was being used to share negative or funny … Continue reading You market what you speak/post!

Breaking the glass ceiling: How women directors positively impact a firm

The corporate world is experiencing a change in the regulatory norms related to the gender diversity at the board level. The regulations of Norway, Spain, Iceland and France require that the board of directors of publicly traded firms are to be comprised at least 40 per cent of women. In India also, the Securities and … Continue reading Breaking the glass ceiling: How women directors positively impact a firm

Customer Experience

[We’re pleased to welcome authors Lily (Xuehui) Gao, Iguácel Melero-Polo, and F. Javier Sese of the University of Zaragoza. They recently published an article in Journal of Service Research entitled "Customer Equity Drivers, Customer Experience Quality, and Customer Profitability in Banking Services: The Moderating Role of Social Influence," which is currently free to read for a … Continue reading Customer Experience

Enterprises for Sustainable Development

[In a recent article "'Rhetoric mix' of argumentations: How policy rhetoric conveys meaning of entrepreneurship for sustainable development" published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Virva Salmivaara and Ewald Kibler from Aalto University in Finland explore the complexity of the European Union policy discourse and the different roles of entrepreneurship in sustainable development.] What motivated you … Continue reading Enterprises for Sustainable Development

Commercializing Sustainable Technologies by Developing Attractive Value Propositions: The Case of Photovoltaic Panels

[We’re pleased to welcome authors Anne-Lorène Vernay of the Univ Grenoble Alpes, Melanie Sohns of MVV Enamic GmbH, Joachim Schleich of the Univ Grenoble Alpes, and Meyer Haggège of the Univ Grenoble Alpes. They recently published an article in Organization & Environment entitled “Commercializing Sustainable Technologies by Developing Attractive Value Propositions: The Case of Photovoltaic Panels," which … Continue reading Commercializing Sustainable Technologies by Developing Attractive Value Propositions: The Case of Photovoltaic Panels

Building A General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM)

[We’re pleased to welcome Michael J. Zyphur of the University of Melbourne and his co-authors. They recently published an article in Organizational Research Methods entitled, "From Data to Causes I: Building A General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM)," which is currently free to read for a limited time. Below, they feature a presentation on their research:] How can … Continue reading Building A General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM)

The Benefits of Early Diverse and Late Shared Task Cognition

[We’re pleased to welcome authors, Shirley Wang of the University of Hartford, Stephen J. Sauer of Clarkson University, Tom Schryver of the Johnson Graduate School of Management. They recently published an article in "Small Group Research" entitled “The Benefits of Early Diverse and Late Shared Task Cognition," which is currently free to read for a … Continue reading The Benefits of Early Diverse and Late Shared Task Cognition