They Call Me Coach

whistle-fffffff-636332-mWhen it comes to human resource development, there are three types of coaching to consider: managerial coaching, executive coaching and peer coaching. But how do you measure the accuracy and legitimacy of coaching within an organizational context? Authors Marcia S. Hagen and Shari L. Peterson discuss in their article from Advances in Developing Human Resources entitled “Coaching Scales: A Review of the Literature and Comparative Analysis.”

The abstract:

The Problem Given the relevance of scales for selecting managers, Peterson and Little called for an examination of scales used to measure coaching. However, there are few ADHR_72ppiRGB_powerpointoptions from which to select validated scales used to measure coaching. Consequently, there appears to be a knowledge gap—little is known about the coaching scales that are available and how they have been validated and tested.

The Solution A proposed solution to the issue is to (a) present a comprehensive review of the literature, identifying coaching scales; (b) analyze those scales, providing information on scale item development, reliability, and validation of available scales; and (c) compare and clarify the efficacy of those scales.

The Stakeholders This literature review will benefit academic scholars, practitioners, and scholar-practitioners by supporting and encouraging their research. Identification and clarification of the existing scales, their focus, and validation processes can bridge the research/theory–practice gap.

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